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World of Warcraft  Match statistics
 Match Date  Versus  Win/Loss  FF
 May 12, 2006  ZG  Win  no
Posted by: NapalmDawn
[B][U]Boss kills[/U][/B]
[B]High Priest Thekal[/B] @ 5/12/2006 5:38 PM Players: 18
- Bradwen
- Crimsonwolf
- Deadjed
- Drwolf
- Ergha
- Frank
- Greven
- Laoguai
- Megadeuce
- Muldir
- Pepperz
- Raasktor
- Rebooted
- Renzu
- Skeeziks
- Tigerheart
- Twotimez
- Zugtank
[B]Hazza'rah[/B] @ 5/12/2006 6:31 PM Players: 20
- Bradwen
- Crimsonwolf
- Deadjed
- Drwolf
- Ergha
- Frank
- Greven
- Laoguai
- Megadeuce
- Muldir
- Pepperz
- Raasktor
- Raczoon
- Rebooted
- Renzu
- Skeeziks
- Tigerheart
- Twotimez
- Zeman
- Zugtank

[B]SUMMARY:[/B] 0, 1

[URL=][B][Yellow Hakkari Bijou][/B][/URL] from Trash mob
Looter: Renzu Cost: n/a DKP

[URL=][B][Orange Hakkari Bijou][/B][/URL] from Trash mob
Looter: Renzu Cost: n/a DKP

[URL=][B][Red Hakkari Bijou][/B][/URL] from Trash mob
Looter: Renzu Cost: n/a DKP

[URL=][B][Silver Hakkari Bijou][/B][/URL] from Trash mob
Looter: Renzu Cost: n/a DKP

[URL=][B][Bronze Hakkari Bijou][/B][/URL] from Trash mob
Looter: Renzu Cost: n/a DKP

[URL=][B][Primal Hakkari Girdle][/B][/URL] from High Priest Thekal
Looter: Megadeuce Cost: n/a DKP

[URL=][B][Seafury Leggings][/B][/URL] from High Priest Thekal
Looter: Frank Cost: n/a DKP

[URL=][B][Fiery Retributer][/B][/URL] from Hazza'rah
Looter: Rebooted Cost: n/a DKP

20 players
[B]Megadeuce[/B] 4h 21m (2:27 PM-6:49 PM)
[B]Drwolf[/B] 4h 21m (2:27 PM-6:49 PM)
[B]Laoguai[/B] 4h 21m (2:27 PM-6:49 PM)
[B]Raasktor[/B] 4h 19m (2:29 PM-6:49 PM)
[B]Deadjed[/B] 4h 19m (2:29 PM-6:48 PM)
[B]Pepperz[/B] 4h 19m (2:27 PM-6:46 PM)
[B]Rebooted[/B] 4h 16m (2:30 PM-6:46 PM)
[B]Frank[/B] 4h 12m (2:35 PM-6:48 PM)
[B]Greven[/B] 4h 11m (2:27 PM-6:39 PM)
[B]Tigerheart[/B] 4h 9m (2:39 PM-6:49 PM)
[B]Crimsonwolf[/B] 4h 8m (2:41 PM-6:49 PM)
[B]Skeeziks[/B] 4h 7m (2:35 PM-6:43 PM)
[B]Bradwen[/B] 3h 54m (2:40 PM-6:35 PM)
[B]Muldir[/B] 3h 52m (2:45 PM-6:37 PM)
[B]Ergha[/B] 1h 57m (4:52 PM-6:49 PM)
[B]Zugtank[/B] 1h 57m (4:52 PM-6:49 PM)
[B]Renzu[/B] 1h 56m (4:52 PM-6:48 PM)
[B]Twotimez[/B] 1h 50m (4:57 PM-6:48 PM)
[B]Zeman[/B] 0h 51m (5:58 PM-6:49 PM)
[B]Raczoon[/B] 0h 48m (6:01 PM-6:49 PM)
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